发表于 2006-12-30 15:44:32
5.诺里奇的评分 标准
NORWICH CANARY THE STANDARD WITH POINTS TYPE Short and cobby. Back broad and well filled-in, showing a slight rise transversely. Chest broad and deep, giving an expansive curved front, and sweeping under there from in one full curve to the tail. Ideal length 6-61/4 inches. Stance or position at about an angle of 45 degrees. 25 points HEAD Proportionately bold, and assertive in its carriage. A full forehead rising from a short, neat beak. To be well rounded over and across the skull. Cheeks full and clear featured, eye to be well placed and discernible. 10 points NECK Short and thick, continuing the run from the backskull onto the shoulders, and from a full throat into the breast. 10 points WINGS Short and well braced, meeting nicely at the tips, to rest lightly yet closely on the rump. 10 points TAIL Short, closely packed and well filled-in at the root. Rigidly carried, giving an all-of-one appearance with the body. 5 points LEGS AND FEET Well set back. Feet perfect. 5 points CONDITION In full bloom of perfect health. Bold, bouncing movement. 10 points QUALITY OF FEATHER Close and fine in texture, presenting the smooth, silky plumage necessary to give a clean-cut contour. 10 points COLOR Rich, bright and level throughout, with sheen of brilliancy. Yellows a deep orange. Buffs rich in ground color and well mealed. 10 points STAGING Clean, and correctly staged. 5 points. TOTAL 100 POINTS |